Posts Tagged With: tp holder

Out with the old in with the new…

Well folks, I am stuffed to the gills after eating fair food {again}. Going on Tuesdays to the Indiana State Fair is the best because it only costs $2 to get in and they have $2 “taste of the state fair” at every booth! Hubs and I bought a huge pretzel for only $2! Another booth was offering two sides for $2 so you bet your bottom dollar we were there, buying our sides. Oh yeah, get this… they were selling DONUT HAMBURGERS at the fair. {I feel a gag coming on…}. It seems we have ran out of foods to deep fry so we are turning to donut hamburgers now. I couldn’t get past how many calories had to be in the sandwich so unfortunately I did not try it. Speaking of counting calories, I decided I just couldn’t pass up Dippin’ Dots! 😉

In my last blog post, I mentioned I was on the brink of doing a mini bathroom makeover and by golly, I have been kickin’ booty. My poor hubs mentioned the other day that my daughter and I are on one speed…GO! I started this bathroom makeover and I haven’t taken a break {and i L.O.V.E. it}. I was thinking about posting before and after pics of the whole bathroom mini makeover but I did so many “here and there” projects, I decided to break it down a bit.

First, I had to get rid of those terribly outdated oak cabinets. Don’t get me wrong, they are in perfect condition but just NOT my taste. As always, hubs and I get our thrills off doing makeovers on a budget so instead of buying a new bathroom vanity I sanded and painted that bad boy up and it looks brand new!
Here is the before pic of my luxurious {Uh-hum, let’s rephrase that… “modest” cabinets}.

I started the makeover by taking off the TP holder and nobs. Then I proceeded to sand ALL of the oak completely down to where it was baby butt smoooooth.

Once sanded, I brought out some paint I already had on hand. It was a small can that was actually  in the returned paint section at Walmart and I bought it for approx $2. It’s just your basic brown but turned out awesome once it dried.

{{Ignore the raggedy paint brush. I like to “re-use”. :)}}

I ended up having to paint around three coats for it to look finished. After it was all dry, I screwed on our TP holder and our new nobs. I bought these amazing nobs at for 50% off! Check it out!

I stepped back, looked at it and it was perfect, too perfect {weird, I know}. I needed to rough up the edges a little too add a rustic vibe and so glad I did! I’m pumped with the results!

Check out the BEFORE and AFTER pics…

The only thing we still have to do to it  is put a sealer on it aaaaand it’s finished! It’s amazing how much money you can save by just doing a “makeover” instead of purchasing a brand new vanity.

Well, that’s all for now! …Have a good day! :))

P.S. I’m so excited I just have to share that has hit over 100,000 views now! WOOO-HOOOO!! {{Thanks to ALL of you who follow along with me!}}

Categories: DIY, Organized Home, Party Break | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

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